First time with a spiraliser. Think it's pretty funky. So healthy.
- 1 large courgette, straight if possible
- Handful of cherry tomatoes, quartered
- 1 avocado, mushed with a fork
- 2 rashers of bacon
- A small squeeze of garlic paste
- Some olive oil
Spiralise the courgette. Basically just cut one end off then press it against the blades whilst spinning. Seems to work best when you hold it bang on in the centre and spin.
Chuck that in a wok. Chop up the tomatoes, add them in.
De-stone the avocado (cheeky method is on the video) and then mash/mush with a fork. Chuck that in the wok. Add a slug of olive oil - just keeps it all from sticking.
Heat on a low heat. Add in the garlic paste. Stir and toss about #frolic
Fry your bacon. Chop it up. Add it in.
Make sure it's really hot. Season. Serve. Lovely.