- Pasta
- 2 rashers of bacon or just some ham if you want
- 1 egg
- Grated cheese
Get the pasta on in some boiling water with a little salt and olive oil. Fry the bacon in a little olive oil/butter.
Take the bacon out and cut it up into small pieces; put to one side. Drain the pasta. Keeping the pasta pan off the heat (this is absolutely key!), grate in a decent chunk of cheese and break the egg in. Add the bacon. Put it back on the heat and stir with a wooden spoon for about 20 secs.
You must keep the pan off when you put the cheese and egg in because otherwise it starts to fry and so you get a "bitty" carbonara. This is horrible. So don't do it.
Fab. Delicious. The Barking Baking easy carbonara.