This is very easy to do and absolutely incredible. Try it.
The Rice
- 3 tins of coconut milk
- 500g glutenous rice
- 500g soft brown sugar
The Top
- 397g condensed milk
- 2 tsp black treacle (molasses)
Heat the coconut milk until it is steaming and then add the rice. Stir constantly. It will thicken up like a risotto. This takes about half an hour. If it looks dry pour in some boiling water. Do this until the rice is nice and soft.
Add the sugar and stir well. Put the rice in a ceramic baking dish (or if you want to be a bit upmarket you could make lots of little ones and use ramekins instead) and cook in the oven at 175 degrees for 40 mins.
Take rice out, allow it to cool for 5 mins (the top should crystallise slightly - because there is so much sugar - so when you tap it with a fork it sounds hard) then spread the condensed milk paste over the top.