It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana.
- 1 large banana, chopped
- 2 pudding spoons of muscovado sugar (brown)
- 1 piece of bread, cut into a circle, keep the crusts
- Vanilla ice cream
Take the ice cream out of the freezer otherwise it'll be impossible to get a nice scoop out.
Cut the banana up into thin slices. Pop it in some tin foil and wrap it up. Chuck it in the oven for 7 mins. The sugar should have kind of caramelised. I suggest you put this in a baking tin or something as the sugar has a tendency to escape and go everywhere in the oven if not.
Whilst the banana is in the oven, grab a piece of bread and cut a circle out of it. I just cut around a mug.
Get a frying pan on with a large knob of butter. Fry the bread and some of the crust (broken into small pieces). It should go lightly brown.
Assemble your pud - grab a bowl and pop the fried circle in the bottom. Pop most of the banana on top. Now add the (now softened) ice cream then some of the lovely fried crusts and any remaining banana and sugar.
Eat immediately. It's gorgeous.