Not really a recipe as it is so blindingly easy it is unreal, more of a gentle reminder that bacon and eggs exist (it can be easy to get on that cereal/toast treadmill). The only possible issue here is putting your toast on too early and eating a soggy, cold sarnie. Not about that. We have, however, addressed this issue below so fear not!
Enjoy your breakfast this weekend!
- 2 rashers of bacon
- 1 egg
- Large knob of butter
- 2 pieces of toast
- Ketchup (critical)
Melt the butter in the pan on a high heat. When it is just starting to fizz, lay in the bacon. Fry on one side for about 3-4 minutes - it will go a lovely golden brown. Now flip it and do the same again.
When the bacon is cooked, remove it from the pan and pop on a plate.
Break in the egg and put your toast on. It will quickly turn white. If there is a large pool of uncooked egg on the top, flip the egg.
The egg and the toast should be done at about the same time.
Quickly butter the toast, add the bacon, add loads of ketchup, add the egg, add more ketchup and then pop the second piece of toast on top!
Cut in half and eat with a cup of tea or coffee. Your morning has just got a million times better.