We end up eating lots of Gü puds and keeping the glass pots. I thought it might be fun to try and make one for Elena and I - it worked really well and this is super easy! Plus you just need a microwave for this one so it is perfect for students. Muv made this and it was so good I had to try it. I quite like adding a little chocolate in but there is no obligation to do so. My big problem with baking is often that I end up eating everything I cook. Not good. However, this is great as it's just one cookie so you don't feel too guilty! And it's not a microwave thing so it is actually proper baking! Try it. Or this. Having recently made the Chocolate Cheesecake I had some cream cheese left over. Rather than let it go to waste, I made this cheeky mug cheesecake. It went down well with Dad and he's notoriously hard to please...! Give it a shot. So I saw a video called "Molten Cookie in a Cup" on the Food Bible Facebook page. It's actually from a site called Naughty Fork. The picture they posted showed a browned top of the cookie, yet they say that they microwaved it....but microwaves don't brown stuff...so we're not sure how that happened. Anyhow, this is my student version of it. Tastes great, doesn't brown. Give it a shot. Elena and I made these the other day for the parentals whilst we were in Cornwall! Such fun! They're probably the most unhealthy thing we've ever done, but hey, they tasted fantastic! Basically it's a layer of cookie dough, then a layer of KitKats then a layer of brownie! This recipe is inspired by a site called What's Gaby Cooking. The use of Lotus Biscoff biscuits was Venus' idea in Durham and it's absolutely brilliant. I made 7 little ramekins of these because I don't want to accidentally eat an entire cheesecake on my own. Elena had the idea to do some cheeky stripes for this one when we had supper with Will and Vicki the other week. As we were just cooking, we didn't write down how to do it, but this time I have! And I've added fudge, because, let's face it, fudge makes everything that little bit better. This is pretty similar to the Chocolate Heaven Pudding. This is quite light and went down well. Loadddds of tins in this one so it's really easy and pretty cheap. Enjoy. This is pretty similar to the No Cook Lemon Cheesecake, so if you're into lemons, try that. Ingredients
Method Melt the butter over a low heat. Crush the biscuits. Add the biscuits to the butter. Stir about to coat. Bung in a baking tin with removable base (my tin is 7 inches). Press down with back of spoon. NOTE: I've started using rich tea biscuits because they're a bit lighter than digestives but as a result there is less fat in them and so the base is a bit more crumbly. If you prefer a solid based, add more butter - reckon 150g would do it. Whisk the cream until it starts to thicken - you should be able to see creases in the cream. Add in the condensed milk and beat for a good 5 mins. It should start to thicken. It won't go mega thick but it should get to a stage where it holds its shape. Pop a sieve over a bowl and pour the cherry tin out. The juice will go through and the cherries will be caught. The cherries will have stones in them so take them out - either cut open with a knife or I found you could just squeeze in your hands and it would come out. Pop two pudding spoons of the juice in the cream and blitz again. When thickened, pop the cherries in and stir with a spoon. Pop in the baking tin on top of the base. Clingfilm and fridge for at least 4 hours. Overnight is best. Enjoy! Thought this would be a cool idea. Turned out really nicely. Think the house and Elena, Kathy, Ellie and Venus enjoyed. Might be a funky little pud if you were doing a dinner party. I put ice cream in them but could do fruit or something if you're that way inclined. Enjoy! Do like and share the video/page on Facebook. This is really good! I used rich tea biscuits for the base as I thought they'd be a bit lighter than digestive biscuits. Still tastes great! I put mint on because I was trying to be edgy. It really doesn't matter if you don't have any. But it's nice if you do. So a while ago Elena made a carrot cake. It was really good (except for some dodgy icing...) and so we thought we'd make it again. The icing is no longer dodge. Also big shout out to Alexandra B for cooking some awesome carrot cake at the end of last term for mentor hour; it had dates and everything in it. This has walnuts, which are pretty close...ish. Will work up to dates! Hope we're all doing well. OK so if you can find almond extract/essence BUY IT. I cannot get it for love nor money and it makes the whole thing much more almondy and more traditionally Bakewell. As these stand (ie. without the essence) they taste good and subtly almondy but to really nail it you need the essence. But, as I say, no one in durham seems to sell it. I like them in bar format because you can give them away and so you don't end up binging on junk. Balance is the name of the game chaps. Enjoy. Allergic to nuts? Try this recipe (without almonds, could add essence if you have it/it's ok): Cheat Bakewell. These were seriously chocolatey and, by extension, seriously good! Really quick and easy to make. Go like the facebook page if you haven't already and subscribe to us on YouTube if you're that way inclined. Elena and I made this together. Awwwwww. It's seriously good. There's just a subtle hint of baileys and then pockets of chocolate. Niiicee. Give it a go. This recipe is identical to this one. And you can also use it to make a cookie cup. BUT TODAY it's an amazing cookie ice cream sandwich thing. And that means it's a good day. A tip. Make sure the ice cream is super cold and then cut it into pieces and make a layer of 'sandwich centre' and gently squish. If you just use a ball of ice cream it a) looks a bit odd and b) means you can't press it together without damaging the structural integrity of the cookie. And I'm not about to ruin a good cookie. This recipe made 4 sandwiches for me. Enjoy. Sometimes you just need a cookie. You don't want to make 10 because otherwise you'll eat 10. So just one cookie is the thing to make. This is a good little recipe. Do it. And the video on YouTube is to Phil Collins drums. What more could you want. Based on the Chocolate Spread Swirl Cheesecake Bars but with more vanilla, less sugar and raspberries. Give it a go. Would be great date night food. This is seriously tasty, looks amazing and is actually very easy to do. Got the recipe off BBC Good Food - it's a Gordon Ramsay one. Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve. Elena sent me a recipe which looked a bit like an easter bunny but they'd made special moulds for the ears. That was going to take too much time so I made it with a white chocolate easter egg as they're on sale everywhere right now. Also this is a triple decker cake - the two outer cakes are milk chocolate flavoured and the middle one is white chocolate. I was using baking tins which are 7 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep. If you are using bigger tins then you'll definitely need to up the quantities in the cakes. This should be fine though because the flour, butter and sugar quantities are all the same so as long as you do the same to everything then it should be fine. If you prefer something more simple for Easter then check this Chocolate Easter Cake out. So I tried to make this 3 times this week. That's a lot of chocolate and cream. The problem I was having was that if you do the white chocolate in the same way as the other chocolates then it doesn't hold its shape. As in, it stays runny. That's not cool. Doing it this way, we make a fab, crisp white chocolate layer just on top of the biscuit base. It works perfectly. Suggest eating with a fork to get through it though. I had a really lovely evening last night with Will and Vicki; they made the biggest melting chocolate ball I have ever seen. Over a kilo of chocolate. Unreal. Anyway, this recipe was a bit experimental but very good. Had some fudge around so thought I'd make some chocolate cookies but with a wonderful fudgy core. GORGEOUS. Do it. There is a bakery in Prague making these (traditionally called Trdelnik) and their cones went kind of viral this week so I though it'd be awesome to try and make one - prague is a bit of a way away. Actually very easy to make. I used a beer bottle to wrap it around. Watch the video. Please like my facebook page and subscribe to my channel for more! Enjoy. I kind of adapted a recipe from the Chocolate Chocolate and More website. This recipe makes about 3. I think the first time I ever had Redbush or "roobios" tea was in Berlin for Fred's 18th. I loved it then and I love it now. Elena very kindly got me this after I had some at her house (I think Venus originally got it...). It's amazing stuff. Can get it from Tesco I believe. You could use any tea. I'm kind of obsessed with tea. Glorious. It smells AMAZING. Went down well in the house I think. Enjoy. I got chatting to some chaps last year who do something amazing with bananas apparently; sadly I never got to try any of their stuff so this is a barking baking take on the idea of using up an old banana. It's really good. Try it. It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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