So I made this cake for the BYO mentor hour we had the other day. Highlights include some rather amazing banana muffins by Hannah, Tim's chocolate cookies and Alexandra's rather splendid heart shaped carrot cake. And there was even more (shortbread, chocolate baskets etc).I know. Pretty funky stuff. This was my contribution to the evening. As you can see the cake bit is a tad thin because I used larger cake tins than I normally have (I stole Elena's). But I think it went down well. Milk and cookies is the classic winning combination. What better way of doing it than by drinking milk from a cookie cup? #winning. And there should be enough cookie dough left over to make a cheeky cookie whilst you wait. Went down well with the house! This is the same recipe as the Barking Baking Chocolate Cookies. Share with a friend as this is a monster to eat on your own! So some people make tarts by doing it upside down. They chuck in their apple and cinnamon and sugar and then the pastry and then bake it. But this seemed way to risky for me. So I did it this way. My cunning tactic was to chuck a lid on top of the whole thing whilst it baked so that the apple did not dry out. It worked really well! Give it a shot and let us know what you think. We've all been there. The end of your jar of chocolate spread. There's still a bit left but not enough for a satisfactory piece of toast... Fear not! Rob and I made these and now we feel amazing. Disclaimer: we didn't use Nutella this time but "Nearly Empty Chocolate Spread Jar Milkshakes" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Sorry. Super easy to do. Tastes amazing. And you get to use up the last bit of your chocolate spread jar. So that's a win win. Enjoy. Make this and feel like a ninja. I've always wanted to make one but I never I thought I could because I don't have the special ball ornament thingy. Turns out you don't need one... A balloon is perfect. So if you fancy a mini pud but don't want to bake an entire cake then this could be the thing for you. Don't get me wrong I love cake in a cup but there's nothing like a proper cake that's been baked in the oven. You can have problems with them drying out but this recipe works really well so give it a go. You can, of course, share it. But that's up to you. In a bid to be nice I made this for Elena (and obviously me too) as I thought it might be nice as a bit of a Valentine's Day thing. I got the heart shaped cookie cutters from Anne, my amazing college mentor (shout out to Anne!) but you could cut one out of some paper/trace it/get arty and just do it by eye. To be honest it's the thought that counts so just give it a shot. This is a no cook recipe too so you can do it in advance and feel like a pro when you do the grand reveal with absolutely no effort. #winning. The brownies you see tucked away in there cheesecake brownies. Read below and watch the video for our thoughts... not as simple as I thought it'd be but still a good fun thing to do and it looks pretty fab. When BuzzFeed did their recipe they just used bought 'brownie mix'. Where's the satisfaction in that? Here's a cheeky recipe for super fab brownies using three ingredients. And it's got a cheeky vanilla cheesecake-y top. Living the dream. So this is like our Three Ingredient Brownie recipe but with a cheeky vanilla cheesecake topping! FUNKY. Did it with proper Nutella and it's just gorgeous. I am a huge fan! They're really lovely and moist. Went down very well! I cut it into 6 large slices. This is like a grown up lemon drizzle cake. I made it gluten free because Freddie was running a "gin siesta" and he can't do gluten. Gluten free flour doesn't seem to change how the cake cooks or anything. So just do it. Gin and lemon is a classic combination and it works wonderfully in this cheeky cake. Give it a go! Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel/like the Facebook page. So I was pottering off to the shops when I bumped into Mike and we got chatting and he suggested I try this. It's a rather amazing tomato tart. Well worth a go. Vegetarian. Glorious. I tried having it after the oven when it was still hot but can confirm it's much better when it's cool. Suggest maybe taking it out of the fridge a little before eating though so that it has time to come up to room temperature a bit. Give it a go! |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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