So here you go. Scrambled eggs. The proper way.
Having spent the last 18 years in education, one thing that I have learned to be very nervous of is what I call "industrial" scrambled eggs. This is the yellowish mess you find in any canteen. This is no reflection on the catering, it is simply that scrambled eggs are something that should be cooked at home. Not for hundreds of people.
So here you go. Scrambled eggs. The proper way. This was improvised in conjunction with our Gü recipe book. Taste great. Cookies are always a winner.
I am not going to lie: I looked up the recipe on Jamie Oliver's website for this one but didn't have any of the herbs or anything he suggests. Thus, his are probably a whole different league but these are great if you are just hungry on a Saturday morning and don't have much in the cupboard.
Very easy, very tasty. This is a Paul Hollywood recipe that I have adapted slightly. It is gorgeous. Eat straight away and/or pop it in the fridge and eat for the next couple of days (I recommend re-heating it in the microwave). If you are vegetarian then don't add the meat.
This is great comfort food. Makes enough for at least 4 meals so you can justify the extra money on the meat and wine (cheeky £3.33 at the grocery on North Road people of Durham). A very nice recipe, and it's healthy too! I first did these when Trevs SCA ran a cake stall. It was great and we got involved by making these cupcakes! They all sold out so they must have been ok. You can make them with this recipe. So easy. Get involved. This time I popped some raspberries on top and this was a great addition. This is my first pie ever. Elena and I did it, it was her idea and it was fantabulous. Thoroughly recommend it! Looks like a lot of ingredients but it's actually not that bad - you probably have most of it lurking around somewhere. And don't be put off by the pastry - just get ready rolled stuff and it's easy! Massive thanks to the BBC for this recipe.
OK so this is more of the fish the man sold me a couple of weekends ago. It is really really good. Do it. This is an adaption of a Delia recipe and it's fab. Looks hard but it really isn't.
I was hungry at lunch and felt like some proper food. Sausages were, therefore, obviously on the agenda. This is easy. Do it.
We have all been there. You are basically at the end of your jar of Nutella or chocolate spread. You are left desperately clawing for the last dregs of the wonder that lies within; because of this, your Nutella experience (yes, that is a thing) is no longer the delight that it should be.
However, fear not, Barking Baking has the solution: Nutella Milk Shots. Simply fill the jar up with milk and, checking there is no foil left on the rim, chuck it in the microwave until it is hot (no lid)! Give it a good shake (lid!) and then serve in your standard student shot glasses. We got 10 shots in total. #wildnight Wow. This is a good, healthy lunch. Takes about half an hour by the time you have found everything.
This was a bit improvised - I knew I wanted to cook something but I wasn't sure what. I pottered over to Tesco and there I saw smoked salmon on offer! Woop! Anyhow, this is delicious and easy. People think you are being upmarket but actually you are just having a good meal.
Omelettes are healthy, easy and use up stuff. These mushrooms are left over from the mushroom risotto the other night. A good lunch.
A couple of weekends ago I woke up to a knock on the door from a man selling fish. He reassured me it had been freshly caught that morning and shipped in. We spent about 10 minutes disagreeing on the price of fish. I came out of it with 3 large-ish boxes of fish. One was skinned cod, one was non-skinned (technical term) cod and one is smoked haddock.
I have to confess I made something un-blogworthy with the skinned cod. However, I was determined to not cock up the rest. Our houses have been doing a kind of come dine with me/mates date night thing so Ronald came over and we decided upon fish and chips! Woop! They were great but I have to say Ronald's tartar was simply spectacular, and it's super easy! We forgot to take a picture of the food but here is a dark one of us eating it! We even have a candle #civilised. So easy it's unreal. Fills you up. Get on it for lunch. Ingredients
Method Just fry the mushrooms in some butter and Worcester. Serve with buttered toast. Strangely I haven't done spaghetti bolognese yet. So here it is. Enjoy. Super easy, super filling. Great cheap food. Rob adds carrots to his. Cora adds mushrooms. Sky is the limit really.
The other night we had a bit of a film sesh; we all sat down and watched Cool Runnings, which is all about the first Jamaican bobled team! Suuuccchhh fun! Anyhow, it turned into a bit of a baking sesh - there was chocolate cake, rocky road, cinnamon biscuits and then there was this!
I used to do art at school and the lady who taught me also happens to be one of the best cooks/bakers in the world (there is no denying it). I once did a day cooking with her and we made Chelsea Buns. I could not find the right bits and pieces for those but I could find chocolate spread! This, then, is Mrs Hollands' recipe that I have adapted somewhat. It is a divine recipe! Also, people seem to be scared of yeast. Don't be. Try this. It is hard not to like rocky road. This one is amazing. Inspired by the Gü cookbook my housemates gave me. Divine and easy recipe. Give it a shot. This is a combined Rob and Hugo risotto and we are very pleased with it! Very easy and will fill you up. Give it a go. If you are vegetarian just don't add the ham!
This is exactly like peach pudding but with tinned mangos instead. Really really good. Super pudding and it only takes about 10 minutes.
I work in a sweet shop from time to time and a guy came in and told me to microwave some smarties as he said the chocolate in the middle melts, but the outer shell stays intact. So I tried it.
I have to say he was right in everything except that the colour of the shell goes a bit. Having said that, it was a properly gungy cake. A winner. Give it a shot. Rob is our resident engineer. This means time is of the essence. Engineers has a staggering number of contact hours and make lawyers like myself wonder what we pay for....! Here is his disgustingly easy stir fry.
This masterpiece is the result of the combined effort of our house up in Durham. I recently saw a book dedicated to the art of baking cake in a cup (obviously had to buy it) and this was our pudding a few evenings ago. Amazing, fantastic, gorgeous, awesome, brilliant.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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