This recipe is roughly based on a recipe by young Jamie Oliver. It's not exactly the same - I've student-ified it a bit but I have to say I thought it was pretty good. I didn't end up adding any cheese but reckon that some parmesan wouldn't go amiss. White wine, rocket and prawns. A bit of spice as we add half a chilli. Really good. Found this recipe on BBC Good Food and wanted to see what it was like. They add thyme but didn't have any so didn't add it. Tasted great! And pretty easy to make. I have seen these floating around all over the internet for a while now so I thought I would try it to see what all the fuss was about. Have to say they are very good. They're kind of dense and because it's just banana and egg it's pretty healthy. I think these might become my new breakfast for when I haven't got any milk for cereal. Or maybe when I feel like a pick-me-up in the summative revision season... Do give it a go. Ingredients
Method Chop your banana into a bowl and then mash it with a fork. Make sure you mash it well otherwise the pancake won't work so well. Bung in an egg and give it a good beat with your fork. (Not going to lie, it doesn't look that attractive at this stage). Fry in butter, flipping when brown. Keep the pancakes quite small. This recipe makes two. I topped both with a little honey and raspberries. Eat. I got chatting to some chaps last year who do something amazing with bananas apparently; sadly I never got to try any of their stuff so this is a barking baking take on the idea of using up an old banana. It's really good. Try it. It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana. So I had this out in Hong Kong over the summer and they had it for sale in the grocery so I got some. It's gorgeous. Takes no time to cook and is super delish. You just need some garlic so this about as it gets. Trick is to keep the heat low when frying the garlic. Probably a side or could be a green quick bite if you are trying to be super healthy... This is very similar to the Veggie Lentil Bolognese recipe from the other day only without wine and more meat (sorry Rav and Chloe). However, I really liked this. Bacon in anything is, frankly, a winner. Give it a go. Very easy. The recipe does about 4 meals. Freeze them.
Lentils are great because they're very filling. Thoroughly recommend. This is actually a Nigella recipe and really fab. It's great if you need a quick hit of energy. Give it a go. Make sure you use the vanilla, it's what makes it so good. Ingredients
Method Crack the egg into a mug and whisk up. Pour this egg into a tin/bowl big enough for one piece of bread to lie flat in. Now add in the vanilla extract and stir about. Cut the bread into triangles and lay it flat in the tin. After a few minutes, when it has soaked up some of the egg, flip the bread and sprinkle sugar over it (about 1 pudding spoon). Whilst you are waiting, pop a frying pan on the heat with a large knob of butter. Gently melt it. After you have soaked both sides of the bread. Pop the bread in, sugar side up, and let it fry gently. After a few minutes the bread will begin to brown nicely; turn it over. You'll probably need a spatular and a fork/knife for this. Let it fry. It shouldn't take long. Whilst it is frying, sprinkle out some sugar on a plate. When the bread is done, take it out (carefully, it'll be hot) and turn it about in the sugar so it's lovely and coated. Do this for both and pop on a plate. Chuck a hunk of strawberry jam on top and then enjoy
This is my dad's favourite meal. Although it is really simple he insists it is the eighth wonder of the modern world. In fairness, it does taste great and is really easy to do. However, we never tell him this otherwise he would be unbearable. This recipe fed three people but really you could do about 4. Give it a go - suggest you have it with ketchup or baked tomatoes. Very nice.
Rav made this the other day. It was superb! We had both never really had much contact with cauliflower but I can report it was fab! This recipe is from BBC Good Food, with the (inevitable) addition of some of Rav's chilli powder #SpiceGod.
Who doesn't like pancakes? No one. Honey and bacon is a really great combination for a bit of breakfast in the morning/a nice lunch. This is very easy, give it a go.
OK so I have been trying to make a really good carbonara for some time; it has eluded me for a while but now I have it! Some people over complicate the whole thing unnecessarily. This really does work brilliantly and uses basically no ingredients.The trick, I have discovered, is to put the egg and cheese in at the correct time (see below for when this is).
This is a lovely little tart that smelt so good the resident vegetarians were cooing with delight! I had a bit of trouble with my oven (explained below) but it should be very easy, just keep an eye on it! A great light lunch or supper.
There is nothing like a takeaway curry but it is a huge amount of fun to try and replicate it. This is one of Gordon Ramsay's and it is brilliant. There are a lot of ingredients but they all add up to something rather fab.
Saw some Stilton and couldn't resist. I am pleased to announce this is vegetarian #CowRightsRepresent. Very easy. Very nice. The first time I did this I used a tin where the bottom comes out else the milk leaks into the oven; this resulted in a tart. Tasted lovely but not worth cleaning the inside of the oven out every time! If you use a proper dish it makes a lovely quiche! This is another recipe that I have slightly adapted from the Crumbs Family Cookbook and it is fab! Apart from the sausage this is very nearly vegetarian so you could use something that isn't sausage if you want...?
This includes a Barking Baking Top Tip regarding carrots... succchhh fun! Superb on a cold night and this recipe makes enough for 5 meals. Just freeze what you have left over. It is Thanksgiving tomorrow and so this is part of my homage to that day. Doughnuts (or, if we are to be all American about this, Donuts) are one of my favourite things; this recipe is one of Paul Hollywood's - only he uses Strong White Bread Flour (which I did not have), nutmeg (also absent) and no Mars Bar (wooop we love Mars Bar).
The dough takes hours to make but the frying is super quick and quite fun! Make sure you have the extractor fan on - set the smoke alarm off about 5 times.... I feel that too much cereal is eaten at the weekend. In college we always used to have brunch on Sunday so this is my homage to that.
Not really a recipe as it is so blindingly easy it is unreal, more of a gentle reminder that bacon and eggs exist (it can be easy to get on that cereal/toast treadmill). The only possible issue here is putting your toast on too early and eating a soggy, cold sarnie. Not about that. We have, however, addressed this issue below so fear not! Enjoy your breakfast this weekend! This recipe was introduced to me by Nick - affectionately nicknamed "GermaNic" because he comes from Germany. It was splendid. The chicken is sweet and it balances wonderfully with the mozzarella. When I did this at home for the fam my mum insisted on green beans too. Much as I hate to admit it, they weren't too bad. I was doubtful that so much balsamic vinegar would be a good thing in anything but it just works fabulously with the oregano and the brown sugar. The resulting sauce is rich and sweet, but it balances beautifully with the tomato salad. I couldn't get enough of the sauce. The reason the post is called "'H' is for Chicken" is because chicken in german is "Hühnchen" #toptip. It is also disgustingly easy to do. If you have it, chuck a slug of white wine in the risotto, or if you don't have them don't worry about the shallots! Enjoy. These are great small meals for students. Out of this I got 1 ramekin for eating, 1 for the fridge, 2 for the freezer then two more tupperware boxes of the meat sauce which I am going to use as a pasta sauce.
So that is 6 good meals! Fab! This was totally improvised and absolutely delish! I originally had it with some rice but I have just had it as a soup/broth and it was fab!
When you reheat it, make sure you boil it through for a good five minutes #notaboutfoodpoisoning Give it a go. Very easy.
Rosie introduced me to this a few weeks ago when her brother was up. It smelt and tasted fantastic. She kindly sent me the recipe - it must be said it is originally a Nigel Slater (and therefore fabulous) and this is the Barking Baking attempt! Adding a little chilli powder is definitely worth it if you've got some as it adds a bit of a kick.
So easy. So full of flavour. So cheap. It made Rob very happy. Beautiful.
OK so when I first did this I thought it was Moussaka. I was wrong. Moussaka doesn't have courgette apparently... So this is a hugo-ism. Not going to lie my Dad didn't like it but my brother and Mum did, so I thought it's worth sharing anyway. It is pretty healthy (except the cheese!).
This is my first pie ever. Elena and I did it, it was her idea and it was fantabulous. Thoroughly recommend it! Looks like a lot of ingredients but it's actually not that bad - you probably have most of it lurking around somewhere. And don't be put off by the pastry - just get ready rolled stuff and it's easy! Massive thanks to the BBC for this recipe.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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