This is a lovely little supper; easily does two people. It came from a bit in the Times Newspaper. It tastes great so give it a go!
This is much better than you think it is. I was dubious myself - marrow and bolognese...? Sounds dodgy. However, this tastes great, is cheap and is pretty healthy. Give it a shot.
There is "nuffin like a muffin".
These are fantastic and come from a book I got in New York - "Bubby's Brunch Cookbook". It has been a hectic weekend but the food production continues. Today we had to rush and get a train as we were off to the Barbican festival where we saw a fab ukulele orchestra!
Thus, this had to be something quick. This was Elena's idea and was nice and refreshing - in this kind of heat you don't actually feel like massive breakfast so this is perfect. Give it a go. I have an admission to make with this one. I did not actually do it myself. Yah, terrible. However, I did watch someone do it for me. Not the same but I am busy at the moment so this is going to have to do. In search of lunch today I could not help but notice some people walking around with rather fetching brown paper bags. I followed the steady stream of people to its source - a lovely little café just off Maddox Street, London and there I got to create my own sandwich, or rather I got to direct someone who made it for me. Yes, that's right, multiple Hugos made this one. In fact you could say we have our first guest on the blog. Welcome.
This was great for a number of reasons - it was a team effort, fun etc - but most of all it was exciting because we got to use a wok. I have never done this before and so it was a huge moment in my life. To be honest stir fry has always kind of intimidated me, but following the guidance of 'other Hugo', I now know it to be pretty simple. Try it. I love paella. It is just fab. Lovely on a summer evening. This recipe comes from a great cookbook called the "Children's World Cookbook" which was given to me by my godmother years ago!
This is not the most complex thing you can do in a kitchen, but it is a vital one to know how to do. In my opinion this is the best way to cook an egg - unlike frying or scrambling it is 'pure' and healthy and unlike a boiled egg, it is not infuriating to eat!
Very few foods bring as much joy as butter shortbread. It is easy to make and hard to resist! This is one of Paul Hollywood's - it is great so give it a go!
This is simply divine. It comes from a book called "Art of the Tart" (great name) and it's just delish! It is actually surprisingly light. Enjoy. Germanic and Charlotte came over the other day and we had a lovely evening. This is well worth a go.
My word it is hot at the moment. Don't know what to do with myself.
This is the perfect way to chill out a bit. Get involved. The pancake. A favourite of everyone and anyone. The french have crêpes, which are great, but the Americans have these, which are the dogs bollocks of pancakes.
I went to New York a couple of years ago and went to this fantastic place called Bubby's for breakfast. There I had the most amazing tower of pancakes ever. This attempt, however, is not directly taken from any recipe book - this is an improvised one that just worked brilliantly. I have never actually tried pancakes this way before and I thoroughly recommend it. As you can see, it looks simply divine. I was home alone today so had to fend for myself. Big ask. So I decided to cook a risotto. I have done risotto before - but never a mushroom one (I think) so today was a first time. Exciting stuff. Risotto is one of those summer dishes. It is monstrously filling, it is cheap and it is not bad for you at all. This one has mushrooms, onions and tomatoes in it. Simple but sumptuous. Find another great recipe here: It has happened. After a solid start, I have finally managed to miss a day of baking. I am, however, determined to post every day so I thought I would try my hand at a little advice to the world.
I know, outrageous. Despite the fact that I did not make anything myself, I did, however, have a lovely meal followed by a drink with some old friends. Frankly there is nothing better than this. I am in London at the moment and often the hustle and bustle of the whole thing can mean that we all just sit on the tube in a kind of stuffy silence, without really thinking about anything other than the quickest way of moving from A to B. Simply going through the motions. Ignoring and being ignored. Rushing. So I just thought my post today should be a call to inaction. It is about having a break, sitting down and enjoying a pint with some friends. Just do it! More cooking to follow...
Chocolate mousse is one of life's little pleasures. This is enough for two ramekins - an easy pudding that everyone will like. It is quite a wet mousse, almost soupy and very rich so suggest you don't fill the ramekins too high!
The only problem with things that are absolutely full of chocolate is the potential guilt after you have eaten a whole tray load. The beauty of flapjacks is that they just don't feel so bad for you. These ones even have fruit in so they are basically healthy and one of your five a day...
This is a lovely recipe; it has taken me a while to perfect but I think I might have got there now. The trick is to cover it with tin foil. This keeps the moisture in and ensures that the top does not dry out. There are actually very few ingredients here and so it makes for a great, easy supper which can be frozen and eaten at a later date. Credit to Nigel Slater for this.
I am currently doing some work in London so the whole cooking thing is becoming a bit more difficult. However, I did find time to make some chocolate brownies! This recipe comes from a book I was given many years ago; give it a go.
The brownies are nice and gooey, which is how I like them. Whilst there is much debate over how to pronounce these - is it s-cone or scone (as in gone)...?! There is little cause for doubt over how they taste: they are wonderful. Frankly, nothing beats a good scone with butter and jam. Indeed, perhaps the only thing that does beat it is a good scone with cream and jam.
Here's how to make them. I love quiche. It fills you up and works in both the winter and the summer. Eat with a good tomato salad and bread and hams. Macaroons are one of those things that everyone loves, but most people believe they cannot do. After all they are the kind of thing you might see in a brochure for a nice hotel in France somewhere....
However, this is unfounded. They are easy and unbelievably good. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
Why use this?Think of this as an online, easy to follow, recipe book. |