Ran out of eggs so made this egg-free/no egg/eggless cake. Pretty good despite lacking key eggy ingredient! Would still recommend a proper cake if you do have eggs though. Worth putting the topping on and also make sure you cover it with foil to stop it burning. This is a recipe from a BBC Good Food community member. They also put in vanilla extract but I didn't have any. Now you know. So a while ago Elena made a carrot cake. It was really good (except for some dodgy icing...) and so we thought we'd make it again. The icing is no longer dodge. Also big shout out to Alexandra B for cooking some awesome carrot cake at the end of last term for mentor hour; it had dates and everything in it. This has walnuts, which are pretty close...ish. Will work up to dates! Hope we're all doing well. So I was home alone earlier this week. Elena was in South Africa (she's a geographer and they get to go on amazing trips; as a lawyer I get to go to the library and that's it) and the rest of my house were not back. I wanted something sweet but I did not want to binge eat a load of junk. This is a bit of a happy medium. Give it a shot. Elena and I made this together. Awwwwww. It's seriously good. There's just a subtle hint of baileys and then pockets of chocolate. Niiicee. Give it a go. Based on the Chocolate Spread Swirl Cheesecake Bars but with more vanilla, less sugar and raspberries. Give it a go. Would be great date night food. Elena sent me a recipe which looked a bit like an easter bunny but they'd made special moulds for the ears. That was going to take too much time so I made it with a white chocolate easter egg as they're on sale everywhere right now. Also this is a triple decker cake - the two outer cakes are milk chocolate flavoured and the middle one is white chocolate. I was using baking tins which are 7 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep. If you are using bigger tins then you'll definitely need to up the quantities in the cakes. This should be fine though because the flour, butter and sugar quantities are all the same so as long as you do the same to everything then it should be fine. If you prefer something more simple for Easter then check this Chocolate Easter Cake out. I think the first time I ever had Redbush or "roobios" tea was in Berlin for Fred's 18th. I loved it then and I love it now. Elena very kindly got me this after I had some at her house (I think Venus originally got it...). It's amazing stuff. Can get it from Tesco I believe. You could use any tea. I'm kind of obsessed with tea. Glorious. It smells AMAZING. Went down well in the house I think. Enjoy. So I made this cake for the BYO mentor hour we had the other day. Highlights include some rather amazing banana muffins by Hannah, Tim's chocolate cookies and Alexandra's rather splendid heart shaped carrot cake. And there was even more (shortbread, chocolate baskets etc).I know. Pretty funky stuff. This was my contribution to the evening. As you can see the cake bit is a tad thin because I used larger cake tins than I normally have (I stole Elena's). But I think it went down well. So if you fancy a mini pud but don't want to bake an entire cake then this could be the thing for you. Don't get me wrong I love cake in a cup but there's nothing like a proper cake that's been baked in the oven. You can have problems with them drying out but this recipe works really well so give it a go. You can, of course, share it. But that's up to you. This is like a grown up lemon drizzle cake. I made it gluten free because Freddie was running a "gin siesta" and he can't do gluten. Gluten free flour doesn't seem to change how the cake cooks or anything. So just do it. Gin and lemon is a classic combination and it works wonderfully in this cheeky cake. Give it a go! Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel/like the Facebook page. I think this is my new favourite one. It's super simple and delicious. Give it a go. Great for late night reading sessions!
If you are tired of reading, working or just plain sitting, why not take a break and make this truly epic cake in a cup. It's fab. Make sure you use a large cup (sports direct mugs are perfect). When life gives you lemons, make lemon drizzle cake! Kathy and James made one the other day and I thought it was fab so I had a go at my own version. This recipe is based on one from the BBC site but I didn't use 4 eggs as I couldn't see the point. I used two eggs. Check out the video and subscribe to our channel! This is exactly the same recipe as the Coralicious Chocolate Cake but you only cook it for 23 mins at 180. The recipe does 12 cupcakes with a little bit left over (good if you like to lick the bowl).
So today is our first birthday! One year has passed since I started BarkingBaking.com! Thank you all for such fantastic support; this is rather delicious - the icing is sweet but not cloying. The taste of the raspberries balance very well with the chocolate. Well worth it.
I have also made a video of the whole process. It's rambly but hopefully you'll enjoy it: here or below. Melt in the middle chocolate puds. Chocolate fondant. Volcano cake. Whatever you call them, I'm not going to lie, they're addictive. Sound impossible to do, but they're not. I've finally got a great recipe that works for this - I've tried 9 times! This is splendid. Our version of a molten cake. A couple of important things to note: 1. Use dark chocolate - the 30p stuff from Tesco is not ok. 2. Cut the baking paper into circles that fit into the base of the ramekin. 3. Be really careful peeling the baking paper off. I have a good friend, Ross, who did something very similar to this last year, although I think he may have used cream. This is the Barking Baking version. It's pretty lovely. Not going to lie. It didn't last long, which is always a good sign for a cake! I got my strawberries from the grocer on North Road; the gentleman outside sells 2 punnets for £1. Not bad. Anyhow, this is very easy to do and tastes lovely. Plus, it's got fruit in it so it's basically healthy.
Enjoy. So this is really really good. The recipe is based on one from a cookbook Elena has. The original recipe puts sugar in, but to be honest you really don't need it so we didn't bother (and kind of forgot). If you are doing a nice supper or just fancy something to nibble on in these long post exam days then this could be your solution...! Enjoy.
Today I want to thank everyone who voted for Barking Baking in the Virgin Challenge; we had an amazing response and got 0ver 70 votes in just a matter of hours. Thank you! The story is not over, however! Virgin's site kept crashing (as you might have noticed) and so, realising that this cost people lots of votes, they are reopening the competition on 18th May at 10am. We have to get 549 votes to get through. I believe this is totally doable given how well we did yesterday.
So, please share the link: http://www.virginmediabusiness.co.uk/pitch-to-rich/new-things/the-barking-baking-company/ which will go live on 18th at 10am and will close at 5pm on 20th May. Get everyone in your family to sign it. It would be amazing if we got through. NOW. Onto this rather splendid creation. Triple decker!? That's just awesome. You don't even need a whisk. So having coxed today and managing not to fall in, we decided it would be super fun to celebrate by cooking a nice new tart. This has been recommended by a fantastically loyal follower on Instagram, Dianne. I promised some time ago to do a frangipane tart recipe. So, here you go. It's based on a Tesco recipe, with some adaptions. Elena, Venus and I all thoroughly recommend it! Keep revising... but not too much. #PROCRASTIBAKE.
Fruit cake is underrated. Chocolate gets all the good press and fruit cake just doesn't. This recipe is brilliant; have been using it for years. It is moist without being heavy. Takes a bit of time but definitely worth it.
Easter! Woooppp! That time of gorging on wayyyy too much chocolate. I always try and eat as much as a can on the day itself and justify it by saying that I have just written that day off and I won't eat any more on any other day.... Not sure how well that works, but hey!
This is a classic sponge recipe and great when decorated with some lovely easter bits and pieces! Enjoy! Check this out. I seem to live off a constant supply of peanut butter and jam on toast, so I thought why not in a cake? Works fab. Be generous with the peanut butter. Here the jam looks like a heart so I guess it could be a post-valentine-I-still-love-you cake? So easy you'd be mad not to try it.
So I tried this when Elena, Venus and Xiang came over for supper the other day. Xiang brought a rather fab rice thing which I have not been able to get the recipe for (yet!) and Elena and Venus did a stir fry! I have no idea what this is supposed to be like but it came out nicely; it is quite moist inside and a little bit like bread and butter pudding or brownie. Well worth a try. From the Gü Chocolate cookbook.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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