This recipe is based on one from BBC Good Food and is a rather lovely little lunch. The recipe below does one fairly hungry person. It is fabulously healthy and very easy. Give it a go.
This recipe was submitted by and is really fantastic. I have not made many dips before but have been meaning to have a go at some for ages; this tastes lovely! The garlic is subtle but important and gives it aioli vibes. Finding artichokes was a challenge in Durham - the grocer, Tesco and Sainsbury's all failed me but I was able to pick up some rather splendid grilled artichokes in olive oil from M and S.
Please do check out and give this a go - it doesn't take long and will enhance your revision! I just tried spreading it on toast and that works nicely too if you haven't got Doritos or Pringles etc.
Not going to lie this was a bit of a mish mash. However, it is a good one. What makes it good is the white wine and garlic. It's very easy to do and will fill you up on a long revision filled evening!
Now summer has arrived I find I still get hungry but I am not that keen on eating a load of cake. Sooo why not head down to the grocer and grab some strawberries? Wash them under cold water, cut the green bit off with a knife and then half them and chuck them in a bowl.
Something to nibble on all afternoon!
So this is what we are having as a starter this evening. I think it might in celebration for my departure to Durham tomorrow at 06:30am. As a student who has become somewhat nocturnal I find this start time deeply offensive. However, the blinis are good. So I guess that's the plus side.
I met up with some old school friends the other day and James was revelling in his recent success with homemade burgers. It only seemed right that I give it a go, so here is the attempt. I can report that they were fantastic! Based on a Jamie Oliver recipe. Hardly any effort and much nicer as you know exactly what has gone in it.
Innocent smoothie. Wow. It’s just so amazing. If you don't already, you should love the drink and should love the packaging - it makes for really good reading. It's just brill, like a brillo-pad.
If, however, you are tired of the same old brilliant smoothies, here is an idea to enhance your smoothie-drinking life: Half fill a glass with the red one. Now pour the white one in, making sure you aim bang in the middle. Then, hey presto, you get a column of white gorgeousness in the middle. Drinking tips:
Ahhh roast pork. Nothing like it. Smells amazing, tastes amazing, is amazing. The crackling crackles so well you'll probably want to wear headphones.
Fruit cake is underrated. Chocolate gets all the good press and fruit cake just doesn't. This recipe is brilliant; have been using it for years. It is moist without being heavy. Takes a bit of time but definitely worth it.
Cod is amazing. It has virtually no fat/salt/junk in it (I know, I read the packaging). Sure we chuck a bit of mayonnaise in this recipe but it makes it taste great and really it's so little that it is hardly worth worrying about.
People can get very hung up on their recommended daily allowance stats but I think that provided you are eating a balanced diet then it doesn't matter. You might not like this but I think the best "diet" as such is just eating a bit less. Certainly from my experience I know that when I am at home I eat soooo much more than when I am at university. This is because food is kind of 'on tap' at home. And the more I eat, the more I want to eat! But when I am at university I have to cook everything and buy everything so I don't really over-eat (although I do binge on Tesco Cookies every now and again!). Anyhow, this is a a splendid recipe and a great meal. This recipe covered 3 people but it could easily do 4.
This recipe is a Jamie Oliver recipe with a bit of a twist; we don't put the pastry on top as it tends to go a bit soggy and it is easier to reheat the casserole if it has not got pastry on the top.
Easter! Woooppp! That time of gorging on wayyyy too much chocolate. I always try and eat as much as a can on the day itself and justify it by saying that I have just written that day off and I won't eat any more on any other day.... Not sure how well that works, but hey!
This is a classic sponge recipe and great when decorated with some lovely easter bits and pieces! Enjoy! What it says:
Ripe buttery Chardonnay with fresh melon and rich apple pie spice, lively and robust. What we say: Sharp. Refreshing. If I'm being arty, perhaps a bit like strawberries... Great with chicken casserole. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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