I did an avocado and tomato quiche a while back and so I thought I'd try a meaty version. This is really nice. Be sure to add a good pinch of salt. Great summer meal and pretty healthy!
I have a good friend, Ross, who did something very similar to this last year, although I think he may have used cream. This is the Barking Baking version. It's pretty lovely. Not going to lie. It didn't last long, which is always a good sign for a cake! I got my strawberries from the grocer on North Road; the gentleman outside sells 2 punnets for £1. Not bad. Anyhow, this is very easy to do and tastes lovely. Plus, it's got fruit in it so it's basically healthy.
Enjoy. What it says:
Amarillo cream is a pure blend of nature’s fresh cream and the mysterious taste of the wild Marula fruit. Africa’s majestic elephants walk for miles to feast on the sun-ripened Marula fruit which is indiginous to the region’s vast subequatorial plains. The hand-picked Marula fruit is fermented, distilled and matured for two years in french oak before being blended with the finest fresh cream. Internationally award-winning Amarula cream is best enjoyed neat or on ice. What we say: James very kindly sent this to me as he thought that Barking Baking Booze should feature it. He was absolutely right. It is really fantastic. Love it. It’s a bit like Baileys but does not taste quite so strong; as a result it is very drinkable! It smells absolutely gorgeous. I’ve made it into ice cream and quite by accident discovered that orange goes very well with it. You see it pictured here in it's natural habitat - my desk, revising... So this is really really good. The recipe is based on one from a cookbook Elena has. The original recipe puts sugar in, but to be honest you really don't need it so we didn't bother (and kind of forgot). If you are doing a nice supper or just fancy something to nibble on in these long post exam days then this could be your solution...! Enjoy.
This is rather gorgeous, especially on a sunny day! I have a superb friend, James, who sent me a bottle of Amarula for Barking Baking Booze. The review will go up here. Equally, it seemed silly just to drink #ResponsibleStudent so I've turned it into some ice cream! Elena and I made this and we even invented a special way of holding a whisk without having to buy one of those £500 things from John Lewis in the process... check out the video below!
Jam jars are great for ice cream as you can use them for little puds and also you don't end up eating your entire batch in one sitting. This recipe does about 3 jars. Wooooaaaahhhh these are so good. If you feel like being creative with a Cadbury's Oreo Chocolate Bar then this is the way to go! Absolutely fantastic. Gentle reminder: voting for the Virgin "New Things" Competition reopens on Monday 18th at 10am and closes on 20th May at 5pm. We need 550 votes to get shortlisted. If you want to support us, please put the date in your calendar and vote and share the link: http://www.virginmediabusiness.co.uk/pitch-to-rich/new-things/the-barking-baking-company/.
So easy it's just ridiculous. Had my first exam today. Oh joy, oh rapture. Celebrated by making these. Keep going guys - 12 days and they'll all be over. Not going to lie, these were meant to be shortbread but they kind of turned into this buttery cookie-y biscuit. Still, very nice and only uses three ingredients and takes no time at all. Give it a go. Ingredients
Method Beat the butter and the sugar together until smooth. Add in the flour. Beat - it will turn into a kind of crumbly mix. When this is done, roll the mix into about 10 small (inch sized) balls and pop them on a baking tray with baking paper. Cook at 180 for 5 mins then take out and press them down so they are about 4-5mm thick with the back of a spoon. You might see that some of the butter has melted into a pool. This is supposed to happen. Now chuck them back in for another 5 mins. It is likely that they have all kind of melded together so use a cookie cutter (Elena very kindly gave me some recently so I got to use a funky purple one) and cut them into 10 cookies/biscuits. Now leave them to cool and harden up - as ever I put mine outside for a few minutes (if you can, lift the baking paper out so that it is directly against the floor, it makes it cool faster). Pop on a plate and sprinkle with icing sugar. Boom. Done. This is a rather splendid little quiche. Along with every other student in the world, I have exams next week (oh joy, oh rapture) and so I thought I'd cook something that I could have for lunch. I like my quiche warm so just bung it in the microwave for a bit when you want to eat it. Cooking is also a good procrastination technique (or if you are hilarious, as obviously I am, "procrastibaking" #SUUUUCCCCHHHPUN)
I added ham fairly last minute because I am a bit of a carnivore but you could easily do without it #ThinkingOfTheVegetarians #Rav #Chloe #HousemateLove. Pretty easy but there is a bit of assembling to be done so it ends up taking more time than you think (about 20 mins to prep and then 40 mins to cook) Today I want to thank everyone who voted for Barking Baking in the Virgin Challenge; we had an amazing response and got 0ver 70 votes in just a matter of hours. Thank you! The story is not over, however! Virgin's site kept crashing (as you might have noticed) and so, realising that this cost people lots of votes, they are reopening the competition on 18th May at 10am. We have to get 549 votes to get through. I believe this is totally doable given how well we did yesterday.
So, please share the link: http://www.virginmediabusiness.co.uk/pitch-to-rich/new-things/the-barking-baking-company/ which will go live on 18th at 10am and will close at 5pm on 20th May. Get everyone in your family to sign it. It would be amazing if we got through. NOW. Onto this rather splendid creation. Triple decker!? That's just awesome. You don't even need a whisk. After a busy day revising, Elena and I made these rather lovely cookies. They do not take long to make - and even less time to eat. Give them a go.
So having coxed today and managing not to fall in, we decided it would be super fun to celebrate by cooking a nice new tart. This has been recommended by a fantastically loyal follower on Instagram, Dianne. I promised some time ago to do a frangipane tart recipe. So, here you go. It's based on a Tesco recipe, with some adaptions. Elena, Venus and I all thoroughly recommend it! Keep revising... but not too much. #PROCRASTIBAKE.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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