Muv and I made a green smoothie. It wasn't horrible. It was green. It was healthy. If you've got any other ideas, get in touch. The jar came from Elena and is pretty funky I think. We got talking to John last night and he explained he was super keen on all these healthy smoothies as he's got a NutriBullet; I don't have one so we just used a blender. Seemed to do the trick. This was supposed to be a green smoothie. It's got spinach and everything in it. Edgy. But sadly the berries overcame the greenness of the spinach and it's kind of mauve instead. Anyhow, it's healthy, tastes great and making it takes just long enough to be classed as procrastination. S/o to Elle for technique tips. This is nice and refreshing. I put a little bit of honey in it to just make it a little less tart. Give it a go! I'm suddenly becoming aware of just how much sugar there is added to all the ordinary stuff we eat. I'm a big believer in having a balanced diet, so that does mean you can enjoy a nice pud every now and again. But things like smoothies and milkshakes are notoriously bad at all this kind of thing. So here is a nice little milkshake that tastes and does good for you. No added sugar. It's bananas, milk and oats. You don't need honey or sugar or syrup. It's great as is. Do it. OMG. This is amazing. It'll rock your world. It's obviously not as healthy as a fruit-only ice cream but by changing the base to banana you're making it much better. And it tastes FAB. So easy that you have no excuse not to do it. So Lauren very kindly sent over this recipe. It's originally a Nigella one but I've massively reduced the amount of sugar in it. Still tastes lovely. It's a lovely refreshing orange and lime ice cream. Well worth a go. Super simple to make. Faaab. Also, I got half way through making this and realised it was a bit like the chocolate puds I like to make (these ones) and so I thought we'd make some little cheesecakes too. These worked really well! And because they come in little ramekins you don't end up eating waaayy to much. #BasicallyHealthy. All is explained below. Check out the video! Have a really glorious Christmas! Let's face it: smoothies are not as great as we think they are. Sure, they taste good but really the reason why we love them so much is because they're full of sugar. So this is a 'reduced' sugar recipe; obviously it's not as sweet but it does still get lots of fruit in you without the sugar. Give it a go. Watch the video. Super easy and super healthy. This is a great snack and a fabulous way to get some fruit in you! So I was hungry. This happened. I used home made vanilla ice cream, but you could use bought stuff. Enjoy. Ingredients
Method Pop everything in a blender and blend! It's that easy. This is another addition to our healthy ice cream series! It's great. Not going to lie, it is arguably more of a sorbet. This recipe makes just one serving so if you want more, double up the ingredients. Got to start packing for my return to Durham soon and this was a perfect way to procrastinate... Ingredients
Method Cut the peach into slices (no need to skin it but do remove the stone). Pop the peach and the blueberries on a plate with some baking paper. Freeze overnight. Bung the frozen fruit into a blender and whizz until it's gone smooth - you'll need to use a fork to push the mix down the sizes of the blender. Eat! Innocent smoothie. Wow. It’s just so amazing. If you don't already, you should love the drink and should love the packaging - it makes for really good reading. It's just brill, like a brillo-pad.
If, however, you are tired of the same old brilliant smoothies, here is an idea to enhance your smoothie-drinking life: Half fill a glass with the red one. Now pour the white one in, making sure you aim bang in the middle. Then, hey presto, you get a column of white gorgeousness in the middle. Drinking tips:
Easy. Quick. Delicious. Nothing to complain about - this is one of my favourite things ever. Biggest mistake I ever made with this was leaving it in a fridge for 3 weeks....did not smell good at the end. However, if you don't do that, it's amazing!
This is so healthy it is unreal. Literally nothing wrong with it. Tastes delicious too! Very easy to do. Don't be intimidated by butternut squash either - remember to peel it. This was inspired by one of Jamie Oliver's recipes - he puts a lot more stuff in it but this tasted great so I really wouldn't worry about it!
Not going to lie I found this hard to photografy (that is my new word - pronounced: fot-og-raf-i) but I can assure you it was fab. Roast chicken is the ultimate Sunday meal. I always thought it was quite complicated but it really is not. All you have to do is make sure you are organised about when you put everything in. Nothing beats this easy recipe so give it a go.
Part of the problem I find with smoothies is that they are often so stuffed full of fruit that they become, as has been widely reported, almost as bad for you as sugared drinks like Coke. Thus, it seems sensible to make a drink out of just one fruit. Yes, you are not getting all of your five-a-day from this, but equally you are not getting the sugar intake. So easy. Just chuck a whole, stoned peach in a blender with a glass of milk. Done. Skin if you feel strongly about it but I really don't care so I did not bother.
Smoothies are awesome. Fact. Healthy. Easy. What is not to like? Give these a go. An amazing recipe.
So here is another great smoothie recipe. We all love smoothies but it is actually quite hard to get something that works. This does. Try it.
This actually works. I know you are struggling to believe it but it does. Try it. I forgot to take a picture so here is a lovely picture of a beach in Cornwall...
My word it is hot at the moment. Don't know what to do with myself.
This is the perfect way to chill out a bit. Get involved. Today, I went to watch the tennis at Wimbledon. It was fabulous. My brother and I got up at 04:15 so that we could get good tickets in the queue. We were lucky to get Court 2 tickets where we saw the Bryan brothers play. Doubles is definitely underrated. They are amazingly quick. The weather was glorious too! Perfect for a spot of sorbet!
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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