Key thing you will take from this is it's green!!! Woooaaaahhh. Euuuurrrgggghh. Never eat anything green.....WRONG. This is lovely. It is healthy and a bit different. Make sure you are generous when you season it.
This is another one of Ronald's specials. It is called "pandesal" which I think is pretty confusing because I always associate 'sal' with salt, but that is probably too many years doing french/spanish.
We made it for Lunar New Year in Trevs (which was awesome) along with some of Ronald's Biko. The bread is sweet and by dunking the dough in breadcrumbs it has an extra je ne sais quoi! Well worth the effort! Wooaaah. This was really good. The avocados make it creamy and healthy whilst the salty bacon gives it a bit of a tang. Very nice. Very easy. Love a good pancake. This is super easy and works like a dream. Check out the video for a full walk through. Makes two. This is runnier than the other pancake recipe and so you can make more crepe-like pancakes. Not really sure what the difference between crepes and pancakes are; think crepes are basically a bit thinner. This is really easy and perfect for the end of term when you have no proper food left #student. Enjoy. So I was cycling back after my mentor hour in college this evening (we had the most spectacular cake shaped like a 1950s television, in honour of the musical on in Trevs) when my back light pinged off. Then some 4x4 drove over it and now it's on my desk in pieces. Tragic. So I've just had some supper (reheated sausage lasagne) and made this concoction! It's super sweet and I thoroughly recommend it if you need a bit of a kick.
Check this out. I seem to live off a constant supply of peanut butter and jam on toast, so I thought why not in a cake? Works fab. Be generous with the peanut butter. Here the jam looks like a heart so I guess it could be a post-valentine-I-still-love-you cake? So easy you'd be mad not to try it.
So I tried this when Elena, Venus and Xiang came over for supper the other day. Xiang brought a rather fab rice thing which I have not been able to get the recipe for (yet!) and Elena and Venus did a stir fry! I have no idea what this is supposed to be like but it came out nicely; it is quite moist inside and a little bit like bread and butter pudding or brownie. Well worth a try. From the Gü Chocolate cookbook.
Aha! You probably think I have just made the most horrific typo in spelling this "Rosemary Meatbols" but it is actually by design. I was trying to make meatballs but some of them deteriorated slightly into something more of a bolognese. Hence, the name. I can confirm that this was very nice indeed. I normally add red wine to things but this time I did not; partly because I haven't currently got any and partly because I wanted to see what a red-wine-less sauce would be like. It is good.
However, perhaps the most interesting thing I learnt from this was that if you are just using tinned tomatoes and not proper tomatoes you need to add a little sugar to take the edge off the sauce. This is reflected in the recipe below. This is so easy it hardly deserves a recipe. However, glorious gems like this are easily forgotten and this makes for a lovely little supper/lunch. Plus Ravi and Chloe were happy with me because it is vegetarian! If you want to go a bit up-market (and meaty), there is a recipe for that too HERE.
Who doesn't like pancakes? No one. Honey and bacon is a really great combination for a bit of breakfast in the morning/a nice lunch. This is very easy, give it a go.
OK so this isn't strictly mediterranean but I like to think it is (ish) because it's got olives, capers, tomatoes and chicken in it. Those are kind of the flavours I associate with the mediterranean. I'm probably wrong. But that's what this post is called anyway. So tough.
I also tried Dauphinoise Potatoes in my ramekins - worked very nicely. I have to confess I didn't use an onion as the RECIPE suggests (I didn't have one) but it is nicer with it so do try and use one. Also 4 potatoes makes about 3 ramekins; this is only a rough guide thought as they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. OK so the other night I tried to make a ham, boursin and olive tart thing - it sounds good but something just went wrong. Not disheartened I then tried this. The cake recipe is based on the one I use for Peach and Mango Pudding and is fab. Baileys is great. Don't add too much; you want it subtle, suave and sophisticated.
Elena and I did this together. She has done them before so is a bit of a pro! They were really good; everyone thinks they are really complicated to cook but actually they are surprisingly easy. And some recipes will tell you that you need a blow-torch to caramelise the top but if you chuck it in at the top of the oven then that does the job. This recipe is based on one by Simon Rimmer. Try it! |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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