Ok so Hamish and I made this so it hardly counts as date night but we think it could work moving forward..! I had curry cravings. Weird. But true. Anyway, this is what I made. It's based on a recipe from BBC Good Food and it's pretty good given how easy it is. This recipe is roughly based on a recipe by young Jamie Oliver. It's not exactly the same - I've student-ified it a bit but I have to say I thought it was pretty good. I didn't end up adding any cheese but reckon that some parmesan wouldn't go amiss. White wine, rocket and prawns. A bit of spice as we add half a chilli. Really good. This weekend I was home alone in London as I went to catch up with Cora, Rav and Rob. We had a fab evening. Before I went I made this; it was fast, tasty, filling and fun. And actually not too unhealthy I think! Fish is always good! Not going to lie, kind of had another one the following day and can report it's good for hangovers. Anyway, here’s how you do it! Healthy delicious snack. Fish is meant to be good brain food. I need all the help I can get. Realise this might not feel like proper student food but if you fancy treating yourself then this is a good bet. Also check out Nina Simone in the video. Elena showed me this recipe. It was really good! The red thai curry paste makes it slightly spicy but the lemon kind of makes it citrus-y I think... basically it tastes good and is pretty healthy. We had it with spinach and that was nice. Give it a shot. Also sorry to Venus. We stole your onion. A replacement will be bought. This is a lovely little meal. You don't have to put it with pasta; there are many different ways of serving it. The key thing to learn here is how to cook the salmon a healthy, delicious way. We don't add butter because we're feeling healthy. Check out the video.
Cod is amazing. It has virtually no fat/salt/junk in it (I know, I read the packaging). Sure we chuck a bit of mayonnaise in this recipe but it makes it taste great and really it's so little that it is hardly worth worrying about.
People can get very hung up on their recommended daily allowance stats but I think that provided you are eating a balanced diet then it doesn't matter. You might not like this but I think the best "diet" as such is just eating a bit less. Certainly from my experience I know that when I am at home I eat soooo much more than when I am at university. This is because food is kind of 'on tap' at home. And the more I eat, the more I want to eat! But when I am at university I have to cook everything and buy everything so I don't really over-eat (although I do binge on Tesco Cookies every now and again!). Anyhow, this is a a splendid recipe and a great meal. This recipe covered 3 people but it could easily do 4.
This recipe comes from the BBC and was introduced to us by Hetty when they came over for a family meal. It is really lovely; I thoroughly recommend it. Takes a bit of time to prepare but so worth it, especially if you are having a dinner party.
Kedgeree is traditionally eaten at breakfast but really I think it makes for a rather lovely supper. It uses fairly simple ingredients and smoked haddock tends to be on offer. The great thing about this one is that it really fills you up. I also really like the way it can be the centre-piece for a meal - just pop it in a bowl and chuck it on the table and then you can have as much or as little as you like.
This made Elena wayyyy too happy. She loves what I call "cat food tuna". This is the kind of tuna you get in a tin. To be honest with you I think nothing smells worse. But she loves it. Weird. Anyhow, if you disguise the smell with this recipe you will actually quite enjoy the experience. Good luck.
This is not a great picture, but it really is nice. This was a lovely little supper. Very healthy. In Tesco you get 2 fillets in a pack and there always seems to be a "2 pack for £7" or "3 for £10" on all meats. Suggest you get on it.
This really is nice. I had a pretty ropey rowing session this morning so needed something to make me feel more human - this did it. It takes 30 mins to cook and about 10 mins to prepare. Smoked salmon is not cheap but when you get the 3 meats for £10 then it's a no-brainer. Super delish. Give it a go. When you are finished with the quiche, pop it in the fridge with some cling film. This is another great Nigel Slater recipe which I have slightly adapted. It is absolutely divine. He puts waayyyyyy more mustard in but I found the amount below is just right. Serve with dauphinoise potatoes, some roasted tomatoes and the rest of the salsa. Easy. Quick. Delicious. Nothing to complain about - this is one of my favourite things ever. Biggest mistake I ever made with this was leaving it in a fridge for 3 weeks....did not smell good at the end. However, if you don't do that, it's amazing!
Not everything is well in the Barking Baking den. I am feeling pretty cold-y and have a cough (awwww). Also, two nights ago I tried to make a haddock chowder and it was horrible. However, I am very pleased to announce that this was exquisite!
I used the eggs I bought for basically nothing from the grocery on Loft side of North Road, Durham. Must mention that I did not have quite enough money to pay the huge £1.80 so the lady allowed me to just pay £1.71; I am going to pay them back when I next head in there - you can get 6 mars bars for a pound so that's going to be very soon! Everyone go there and buy your fruit and veg!
Rosie introduced me to this a few weeks ago when her brother was up. It smelt and tasted fantastic. She kindly sent me the recipe - it must be said it is originally a Nigel Slater (and therefore fabulous) and this is the Barking Baking attempt! Adding a little chilli powder is definitely worth it if you've got some as it adds a bit of a kick.
So easy. So full of flavour. So cheap. It made Rob very happy. Beautiful. OK so this is more of the fish the man sold me a couple of weekends ago. It is really really good. Do it. This is an adaption of a Delia recipe and it's fab. Looks hard but it really isn't.
This was a bit improvised - I knew I wanted to cook something but I wasn't sure what. I pottered over to Tesco and there I saw smoked salmon on offer! Woop! Anyhow, this is delicious and easy. People think you are being upmarket but actually you are just having a good meal.
A couple of weekends ago I woke up to a knock on the door from a man selling fish. He reassured me it had been freshly caught that morning and shipped in. We spent about 10 minutes disagreeing on the price of fish. I came out of it with 3 large-ish boxes of fish. One was skinned cod, one was non-skinned (technical term) cod and one is smoked haddock.
I have to confess I made something un-blogworthy with the skinned cod. However, I was determined to not cock up the rest. Our houses have been doing a kind of come dine with me/mates date night thing so Ronald came over and we decided upon fish and chips! Woop! They were great but I have to say Ronald's tartar was simply spectacular, and it's super easy! We forgot to take a picture of the food but here is a dark one of us eating it! We even have a candle #civilised. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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