Muv made this and it was so good I had to try it. I quite like adding a little chocolate in but there is no obligation to do so. This is so easy and it ACTUALLY TASTES AMAZING. You have got to try it. No waiting for it to rise. Just perfect pizza. Found it lurking on the internet and had to try it. There is a bakery in Prague making these (traditionally called Trdelnik) and their cones went kind of viral this week so I though it'd be awesome to try and make one - prague is a bit of a way away. Actually very easy to make. I used a beer bottle to wrap it around. Watch the video. Please like my facebook page and subscribe to my channel for more! Enjoy. I kind of adapted a recipe from the Chocolate Chocolate and More website. This recipe makes about 3. I got chatting to some chaps last year who do something amazing with bananas apparently; sadly I never got to try any of their stuff so this is a barking baking take on the idea of using up an old banana. It's really good. Try it. It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana. Saw this on a blog late last night I think. Gave it a go. It's like french toast, but with an egg. Amazeballs. What a way to start your day. Smother with ketchup. Music in the vid is my own; enjoy! Ingredients
Method Cut a hole out of the bread with a glass. Melt the butter on a lowish heat. Pop the bread on. Crack the egg in. Cool until it's pretty much all white through. Flip. Season. Eat. Fab. Hamish and I have very different tactics when it comes to lunch. I am more of a pick and go person whereas Hamish makes these incredible foot-long sandwiches. Kind of like Subway but a bit less grimy... Anyhow, this is his first contribution to Barking Baking and it is pretty darn good. If you are patient enough to make one, do it.
Loved this. I have tried it before with real raspberries but it went soggy; using jam prevents this. Got inspired by a lawyer friend (Peng) who was eating a white chocolate and raspberry muffin! Ellie was the first person to try it and it went down very well I think! Give it a go, it's a tasty way to procrastinate.
HOW FUNKY IS THIS!?! Love it. Really getting into the christmas mood! Heading home tomorrow! Cheerio Durham! This tastes a bit like hot cross bun to be honest - very nice! This does not take as long as other bread as you do not need to leave it to prove for hours....
I think it is generally accepted that Bagels are the best type of bread. Nothing beats them. For Ultimate Frisbee players, to bagel another team is the greatest display of superiority. To the rest of the population, they are just great for brunch or a cheeky snack at 3pm in the afternoon.
However, this blows anything you have done with a bagel out of the water. It is stunning. A kind of bagel pudding. It is crunchy on the outside, moist in the middle. Absolutely gorgeous. And at the time of writing, they are on offer in Tesco! Such fun! This is largely the same recipe as the Bread and Butter Pudding recipe I posted the other day but this time it has two layers and two different types of chocolate! SPECTACULAR.
We had this as part of our Thanksgiving pudding! Absolutely incredible. Rob, our resident engineer, assembled this one beautifully and made a very good call about adding more milk mid-way through the cooking. The top needs to be slightly soggy. Not crisp, but must have some chew to it. It is Thanksgiving tomorrow and so this is part of my homage to that day. Doughnuts (or, if we are to be all American about this, Donuts) are one of my favourite things; this recipe is one of Paul Hollywood's - only he uses Strong White Bread Flour (which I did not have), nutmeg (also absent) and no Mars Bar (wooop we love Mars Bar).
The dough takes hours to make but the frying is super quick and quite fun! Make sure you have the extractor fan on - set the smoke alarm off about 5 times.... The other night we had a bit of a film sesh; we all sat down and watched Cool Runnings, which is all about the first Jamaican bobled team! Suuuccchhh fun! Anyhow, it turned into a bit of a baking sesh - there was chocolate cake, rocky road, cinnamon biscuits and then there was this!
I used to do art at school and the lady who taught me also happens to be one of the best cooks/bakers in the world (there is no denying it). I once did a day cooking with her and we made Chelsea Buns. I could not find the right bits and pieces for those but I could find chocolate spread! This, then, is Mrs Hollands' recipe that I have adapted somewhat. It is a divine recipe! Also, people seem to be scared of yeast. Don't be. Try this. Toast a slice of the Olive, Basil and Sun Dried Tomato Bread then eat with goats cheese, tomato and lettuce. Easy as pie.
I really made a mistake here. I forgot to add the yeast. I realised this after an hour of it not rising - so instead of starting again, I just kneaded it in. The dough at this stage was at what I like to call the “soft brick” stage, by which I mean that you could probably break a window with it, but not hammer a tent peg in with it. Not that helpful I realise but there you go.
Anyhow, this recipes is actually great and I will replicate it. The bread is definitely firmer but this works well since the inside is all olives and tomato and so quite moist. Soooooo goood! Peanut butter and chocolate in a beautiful plaited loaf. Life doesn't get much better. Different flavour in each plait. Amazing.
I think we can all safely agree that this is a fantastic idea. Everyone likes chocolate spread on their toast - but this cooks the chocolate spread into the bread itself! It is the best thing ever! Looks great, tastes great. What is not to like?! Boom.
OK. You saw it here first. This is just the best idea EVER. The ultimate toastie - the ham and cheese is cooked right into the bread, and because you roll it, it looks fantastic. This will rock your world.
Super easy. Just chuck everything on and enjoy. Use the Olive and Parmesan Swirl Bread.
If you can't be bothered to cook the bacon, I suggest you use ham and add a pinch of salt. What a recipe! So good. Give it a shot. The ingredients are cheap so it makes sense to make your own.
Mars bar bread. Need I say more? Fantastic. For the lazy student who cannot be bothered to use Nutella!? This is exactly the same recipe as the Freshly Baked Bread one. The only difference is that you pop in two mars bars when you put the dough in the baking tin.
Nothing is quite like the smell of freshly baked bread. Now you can have it at home with this easy recipe.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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