My big problem with baking is often that I end up eating everything I cook. Not good. However, this is great as it's just one cookie so you don't feel too guilty! And it's not a microwave thing so it is actually proper baking! Try it. Or this. So I saw a video called "Molten Cookie in a Cup" on the Food Bible Facebook page. It's actually from a site called Naughty Fork. The picture they posted showed a browned top of the cookie, yet they say that they microwaved it....but microwaves don't brown we're not sure how that happened. Anyhow, this is my student version of it. Tastes great, doesn't brown. Give it a shot. Elena and I made these the other day for the parentals whilst we were in Cornwall! Such fun! They're probably the most unhealthy thing we've ever done, but hey, they tasted fantastic! Basically it's a layer of cookie dough, then a layer of KitKats then a layer of brownie! This recipe is inspired by a site called What's Gaby Cooking. Thought this would be a cool idea. Turned out really nicely. Think the house and Elena, Kathy, Ellie and Venus enjoyed. Might be a funky little pud if you were doing a dinner party. I put ice cream in them but could do fruit or something if you're that way inclined. Enjoy! Do like and share the video/page on Facebook. OK so if you can find almond extract/essence BUY IT. I cannot get it for love nor money and it makes the whole thing much more almondy and more traditionally Bakewell. As these stand (ie. without the essence) they taste good and subtly almondy but to really nail it you need the essence. But, as I say, no one in durham seems to sell it. I like them in bar format because you can give them away and so you don't end up binging on junk. Balance is the name of the game chaps. Enjoy. Allergic to nuts? Try this recipe (without almonds, could add essence if you have it/it's ok): Cheat Bakewell. These were seriously chocolatey and, by extension, seriously good! Really quick and easy to make. Go like the facebook page if you haven't already and subscribe to us on YouTube if you're that way inclined. Let's talk flapjack. It comes in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's thick, sometimes it's thin. I like it kind of in the middle. Too thick and it just tastes like sweet wet cardboard (sorry) and too thin and you've got yourself a crisp (probably) burnt collection of oats and sugar. These are chewy in the centre but still have a tad bit of crisp in there (you can hear yourself eating them). That's good I think. Anyway, they're easy so give them a go. If you just fancy ordinary easy flapjack then don't add the chocolate. Could add raisins. This recipe is identical to this one. And you can also use it to make a cookie cup. BUT TODAY it's an amazing cookie ice cream sandwich thing. And that means it's a good day. A tip. Make sure the ice cream is super cold and then cut it into pieces and make a layer of 'sandwich centre' and gently squish. If you just use a ball of ice cream it a) looks a bit odd and b) means you can't press it together without damaging the structural integrity of the cookie. And I'm not about to ruin a good cookie. This recipe made 4 sandwiches for me. Enjoy. Sometimes you just need a cookie. You don't want to make 10 because otherwise you'll eat 10. So just one cookie is the thing to make. This is a good little recipe. Do it. And the video on YouTube is to Phil Collins drums. What more could you want. I had a really lovely evening last night with Will and Vicki; they made the biggest melting chocolate ball I have ever seen. Over a kilo of chocolate. Unreal. Anyway, this recipe was a bit experimental but very good. Had some fudge around so thought I'd make some chocolate cookies but with a wonderful fudgy core. GORGEOUS. Do it. Milk and cookies is the classic winning combination. What better way of doing it than by drinking milk from a cookie cup? #winning. And there should be enough cookie dough left over to make a cheeky cookie whilst you wait. Went down well with the house! This is the same recipe as the Barking Baking Chocolate Cookies. Share with a friend as this is a monster to eat on your own! Saw this recipe on Buzzfeed and wondered whether it actually only uses three ingredients... is that too good to be true? Watch the video on YouTube or Facebook and read below to find out what we thought. Enjoy! Ingredients
Method Pop everything in a bowl and blend. The mix should turn to a kind of moist blu-tack consistency. Pop a small ball onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Now flatten it (see vid) and then pop a little chocolate spread in the middle. Grab another small ball of dough and flatten it in the palms of your hands then cover the chocolate spread and pinch the sides together. This recipe, despite Buzzfeed's claim of 18 makes 7 good sized cookies. Cook for 7 mins at 180 then let them cool entirely. The Verdict: they are tasty but not quite cookies; more like thin brownies. Still that's not a bad thing! My housemates really liked them so that's pretty good in itself! Well worth a go considering how easy they are to do. So this recipe came from Sally's Baking Addiction, which is a really fab site for all things sweet. She uses Nutella and Graham crackers but I'm in the UK and they don't have Graham crackers over here so I used digestives. Perfect. Give it a go. Very simple to do and you'll feel like a pro. It's not too late to make some funky mince pies! These are such a cheat but to be honest taste pretty great. Dusting with icing sugar is a good shout. Hope we all have an absolutely blinder of a christmas! All the best!
Not really a hugggeee fan of gingerbread any time apart from round christmas. This recipe is based on one from BBC Good Food and works a treat. You may have seen my attempt at making a gingerbread house (it didn't work!). This is a difference recipe and is lovely. Will try a house again at some point when I have recovered a little bit..! Cora was the chief decorator here, which is why they look lovely. See some of my attempts in the vid below. So this is a new take on the classic barking baking cookies. It's lovely. I accidentally bought peanut M and Ms but actually it tastes fab anyway so well worth a go. Dig in. This is actually a Nigella recipe and really fab. It's great if you need a quick hit of energy. Give it a go. Make sure you use the vanilla, it's what makes it so good. Ingredients
Method Crack the egg into a mug and whisk up. Pour this egg into a tin/bowl big enough for one piece of bread to lie flat in. Now add in the vanilla extract and stir about. Cut the bread into triangles and lay it flat in the tin. After a few minutes, when it has soaked up some of the egg, flip the bread and sprinkle sugar over it (about 1 pudding spoon). Whilst you are waiting, pop a frying pan on the heat with a large knob of butter. Gently melt it. After you have soaked both sides of the bread. Pop the bread in, sugar side up, and let it fry gently. After a few minutes the bread will begin to brown nicely; turn it over. You'll probably need a spatular and a fork/knife for this. Let it fry. It shouldn't take long. Whilst it is frying, sprinkle out some sugar on a plate. When the bread is done, take it out (carefully, it'll be hot) and turn it about in the sugar so it's lovely and coated. Do this for both and pop on a plate. Chuck a hunk of strawberry jam on top and then enjoy I had to do some packing the other day and in a bit to procrastibake I made this... Like a kind of pancake panini cookie thing. Enjoy! This is by far the best biscuit/cookie you can make in the microwave. It takes no time at all to make and, given you are not baking it, it really is pretty decent. I would definitely recommend giving it a go. One thing you should remember is that not all microwaves are created equal - by this I mean that they all have different power outputs so you'll have to experiment to see what timing works best for you!
I had hunted around for a simple, great recipe for cookies for a while and then I came across this. It's fab. These are the cookies I made for the Durham Give A Rose scheme I run with Venus. I hope you enjoy making (and eating!) them. This recipe is based on one by Dr Oetker. It's great. You'll never need to buy those Tesco ones again! Cora and I made a huge batch of these and sold them to raise some money for Cora's charity fundraiser! We raised over £60 in one afternoon - thank you to all who supported.
After a busy day revising, Elena and I made these rather lovely cookies. They do not take long to make - and even less time to eat. Give them a go.
We now have 1000 likes on our Facebook page! To celebrate I just made this. It is rather splendid and great if you don't want to make a huge batch that you might be tempted to gorge on! One cookie made in a mug. Give it a go!
So Ravi and Chloe have both gone home for interviews (woooopp good luck!) and that leaves Rob, Cora and I still in Durham. Cora is a bit of a basketball queen so 'twas just Rob and I here last night. This is what we made. It is based on a recipe by Paul Hollywood only we used a different amount of flour, no chocolate chips and no semolina.... It's really good.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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