We end up eating lots of Gü puds and keeping the glass pots. I thought it might be fun to try and make one for Elena and I - it worked really well and this is super easy! Plus you just need a microwave for this one so it is perfect for students. Made this little pud the other night. It's fast and pretty good as a cheesecake. Give it a shot. Having recently made the Chocolate Cheesecake I had some cream cheese left over. Rather than let it go to waste, I made this cheeky mug cheesecake. It went down well with Dad and he's notoriously hard to please...! Give it a shot. The use of Lotus Biscoff biscuits was Venus' idea in Durham and it's absolutely brilliant. I made 7 little ramekins of these because I don't want to accidentally eat an entire cheesecake on my own. Elena had the idea to do some cheeky stripes for this one when we had supper with Will and Vicki the other week. As we were just cooking, we didn't write down how to do it, but this time I have! And I've added fudge, because, let's face it, fudge makes everything that little bit better. This is pretty similar to the Chocolate Heaven Pudding. This is quite light and went down well. Loadddds of tins in this one so it's really easy and pretty cheap. Enjoy. This is pretty similar to the No Cook Lemon Cheesecake, so if you're into lemons, try that. Ingredients
Method Melt the butter over a low heat. Crush the biscuits. Add the biscuits to the butter. Stir about to coat. Bung in a baking tin with removable base (my tin is 7 inches). Press down with back of spoon. NOTE: I've started using rich tea biscuits because they're a bit lighter than digestives but as a result there is less fat in them and so the base is a bit more crumbly. If you prefer a solid based, add more butter - reckon 150g would do it. Whisk the cream until it starts to thicken - you should be able to see creases in the cream. Add in the condensed milk and beat for a good 5 mins. It should start to thicken. It won't go mega thick but it should get to a stage where it holds its shape. Pop a sieve over a bowl and pour the cherry tin out. The juice will go through and the cherries will be caught. The cherries will have stones in them so take them out - either cut open with a knife or I found you could just squeeze in your hands and it would come out. Pop two pudding spoons of the juice in the cream and blitz again. When thickened, pop the cherries in and stir with a spoon. Pop in the baking tin on top of the base. Clingfilm and fridge for at least 4 hours. Overnight is best. Enjoy! This was supposed to be a green smoothie. It's got spinach and everything in it. Edgy. But sadly the berries overcame the greenness of the spinach and it's kind of mauve instead. Anyhow, it's healthy, tastes great and making it takes just long enough to be classed as procrastination. S/o to Elle for technique tips. I've seen a lot of these going around so thought it was high time I try it. Can report it was great. You can add sugar or honey if you want but I didn't because I'm trying to be good. Putting the strawberries in overnight helps with sweetness I think. It's basically edgy porridge. Give it a shot. So I tried to make this 3 times this week. That's a lot of chocolate and cream. The problem I was having was that if you do the white chocolate in the same way as the other chocolates then it doesn't hold its shape. As in, it stays runny. That's not cool. Doing it this way, we make a fab, crisp white chocolate layer just on top of the biscuit base. It works perfectly. Suggest eating with a fork to get through it though. Make this and feel like a ninja. I've always wanted to make one but I never I thought I could because I don't have the special ball ornament thingy. Turns out you don't need one... A balloon is perfect. In a bid to be nice I made this for Elena (and obviously me too) as I thought it might be nice as a bit of a Valentine's Day thing. I got the heart shaped cookie cutters from Anne, my amazing college mentor (shout out to Anne!) but you could cut one out of some paper/trace it/get arty and just do it by eye. To be honest it's the thought that counts so just give it a shot. This is a no cook recipe too so you can do it in advance and feel like a pro when you do the grand reveal with absolutely no effort. #winning. I'm suddenly becoming aware of just how much sugar there is added to all the ordinary stuff we eat. I'm a big believer in having a balanced diet, so that does mean you can enjoy a nice pud every now and again. But things like smoothies and milkshakes are notoriously bad at all this kind of thing. So here is a nice little milkshake that tastes and does good for you. No added sugar. It's bananas, milk and oats. You don't need honey or sugar or syrup. It's great as is. Do it. This is seriously funky and unbelievably easy. I made this because I spent pretty much the whole day yesterday trying to make a beef brisket thing for supper but it was a disaster! So to make myself feel better, I made this. And have eaten most of it too unfortunately. Anyhow, I reckon this would be a fab pud for date night as you can do it in advance and it looks amazing so you'll feel like a total pro. Give it a shot! Enjoy! OMG. This is amazing. It'll rock your world. It's obviously not as healthy as a fruit-only ice cream but by changing the base to banana you're making it much better. And it tastes FAB. So easy that you have no excuse not to do it. So Lauren very kindly sent over this recipe. It's originally a Nigella one but I've massively reduced the amount of sugar in it. Still tastes lovely. It's a lovely refreshing orange and lime ice cream. Well worth a go. Super simple to make. Faaab. Also, I got half way through making this and realised it was a bit like the chocolate puds I like to make (these ones) and so I thought we'd make some little cheesecakes too. These worked really well! And because they come in little ramekins you don't end up eating waaayy to much. #BasicallyHealthy. All is explained below. Check out the video! Have a really glorious Christmas! Let's face it: smoothies are not as great as we think they are. Sure, they taste good but really the reason why we love them so much is because they're full of sugar. So this is a 'reduced' sugar recipe; obviously it's not as sweet but it does still get lots of fruit in you without the sugar. Give it a go. Watch the video. I was busy watching some videos the other day and came across one by Gemma Stafford. She was doing something similar to this and it works brilliantly. Enjoy! How gorgeous does this look!? Not going to lie it's more banana than blueberry. Very good. Do it.
This really is gorgeous. Ice cream. Healthy. Fruit. You don't really get anything better. No added sugar. Just fabulous. Do it. Ingredients
Method Peel the bananas and cut them up. Hull (ie cut the green bit off) the strawberries and cut them into halves. Pop it all on some baking paper on a plate then freeze (overnight works great). Then when you want to make the ice cream, blitz everything in a blender until it's super smooth. You will probably need to poke a fork in and scrape the fruit down towards the cutty bit of the blender a couple of times. Serve immediately or pop in a pot, cover and freeze - be aware this (obviously) makes it go hard and it will not be the soft gorgeous stuff you get when you eat it immediately. Gorgeous. Easy. Winning. Ingredients
Method Melt the butter over a low heat. Bash the digestives up in a plastic bag with a rolling pin until they are all crumbly. Pour the biscuit into the melted butter and, whilst it is still on the low heat, stir up so that everything is coated in butter and the chocolate is melting. Add this to your baking tin (with removable bottom ideally) and press down with the back of a spoon to form a base. Put to one side. Melt the white chocolate in a bowl over some boiling water (this is called a Bain Marie). Meanwhile, pop the cream cheese in a bowl and whisk it for a few seconds so that it looks all creamy. When the chocolate has melted, take it off the heat and let it stand for a minute (to cool a little). Pour the chocolate in with the cream cheese and whisk until all combined. Cut up the strawberries and add them to the mix. Stir together with a spoon (not the whisk) and then pour on top of the chocolate base from earlier. Pop in the fridge for a couple of hours and add a few more strawberries on top before serving. Elena and I made these in Cornwall; the recipe came from the condensed milk tin and it actually works and is lovely. We had a fab week and managed to swim every day. I know. Mad. Absolutely freezing but after a while you go numb so it feels warm. Such fun.
So Federer and Djokovic are battling it out as we speak! Looks like it's going to be a great game! It's bound to go on for a while so why not make yourself a lovely little snack pot?!
It's summer, and the living is easy. Just an assembly one here. Enjoy. Ingredients and Method
Grab a nest, pop some cream in the middle then pile on the fruit. Done. So this is really really good. The recipe is based on one from a cookbook Elena has. The original recipe puts sugar in, but to be honest you really don't need it so we didn't bother (and kind of forgot). If you are doing a nice supper or just fancy something to nibble on in these long post exam days then this could be your solution...! Enjoy.
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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