We made these the other night. Just a nice way to make your sausages a little more exciting. If you burn the dish like we did, the best bet is to soak it and then if it still doesn't clean, fill it up with boiling water and some washing up liquid and then boil it in the oven. That does the trick. Made this little pud the other night. It's fast and pretty good as a cheesecake. Give it a shot. My big problem with baking is often that I end up eating everything I cook. Not good. However, this is great as it's just one cookie so you don't feel too guilty! And it's not a microwave thing so it is actually proper baking! Try it. Or this. Having recently made the Chocolate Cheesecake I had some cream cheese left over. Rather than let it go to waste, I made this cheeky mug cheesecake. It went down well with Dad and he's notoriously hard to please...! Give it a shot. So I saw a video called "Molten Cookie in a Cup" on the Food Bible Facebook page. It's actually from a site called Naughty Fork. The picture they posted showed a browned top of the cookie, yet they say that they microwaved it....but microwaves don't brown stuff...so we're not sure how that happened. Anyhow, this is my student version of it. Tastes great, doesn't brown. Give it a shot. This weekend I was home alone in London as I went to catch up with Cora, Rav and Rob. We had a fab evening. Before I went I made this; it was fast, tasty, filling and fun. And actually not too unhealthy I think! Fish is always good! Not going to lie, kind of had another one the following day and can report it's good for hangovers. Anyway, here’s how you do it! This is really good! I used rich tea biscuits for the base as I thought they'd be a bit lighter than digestive biscuits. Still tastes great! I put mint on because I was trying to be edgy. It really doesn't matter if you don't have any. But it's nice if you do. So I have been sent some Linda McCartney vouchers. I was supposed to be testing out the paella but unfortunately they don't stock it in Durham. So I consulted with a friend, James, and he said that I HAD to try the sausages. So that's what I've done. Must admit I was slightly nervous of vegetarian sausages, having been brought up on the meat version. However, I can report that they taste great. Sure, they don't taste like pork but, as Rav (one of my veggie housemates) said, it doesn't actually matter. As long as they taste good, then that's fine. And they do. They taste great. This recipe is super easy and takes about 20 mins overall. It's healthy and tasty. Try it. Also, I am giving away some Linda McCartney vouchers so you can buy some yourself - all you need to do is like the post and the Facebook page and I'll choose a winner. Will be chosen on Wednesday (whilst you're at it, you could add 'barkingbaking' on snapchat, but that's only if you want to!). Facebook page here. These were seriously chocolatey and, by extension, seriously good! Really quick and easy to make. Go like the facebook page if you haven't already and subscribe to us on YouTube if you're that way inclined. So I was home alone earlier this week. Elena was in South Africa (she's a geographer and they get to go on amazing trips; as a lawyer I get to go to the library and that's it) and the rest of my house were not back. I wanted something sweet but I did not want to binge eat a load of junk. This is a bit of a happy medium. Give it a shot. I've seen a lot of these going around so thought it was high time I try it. Can report it was great. You can add sugar or honey if you want but I didn't because I'm trying to be good. Putting the strawberries in overnight helps with sweetness I think. It's basically edgy porridge. Give it a shot. Elena and I made this together. Awwwwww. It's seriously good. There's just a subtle hint of baileys and then pockets of chocolate. Niiicee. Give it a go. Sometimes you just need a cookie. You don't want to make 10 because otherwise you'll eat 10. So just one cookie is the thing to make. This is a good little recipe. Do it. And the video on YouTube is to Phil Collins drums. What more could you want. Based on the Chocolate Spread Swirl Cheesecake Bars but with more vanilla, less sugar and raspberries. Give it a go. Would be great date night food. This is so easy and it ACTUALLY TASTES AMAZING. You have got to try it. No waiting for it to rise. Just perfect pizza. Found it lurking on the internet and had to try it. For when you just need something to munch on. Fast. It's the closest thing to a proper brownie I've come across (and is basically this recipe but for one). Give it a go! All you need is a microwave. I got chatting to some chaps last year who do something amazing with bananas apparently; sadly I never got to try any of their stuff so this is a barking baking take on the idea of using up an old banana. It's really good. Try it. It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana. So this recipe came from Sally's Baking Addiction, which is a really fab site for all things sweet. She uses Nutella and Graham crackers but I'm in the UK and they don't have Graham crackers over here so I used digestives. Perfect. Give it a go. Very simple to do and you'll feel like a pro. Scrambled egg. It's a classic. Normally found in a pan. Today, we are doing it in a mug. In a microwave. I was sceptical when I first heard about it but I can confirm it tastes and looks like egg once it's done. So do it. Check out the Nigella video. I only discovered the delights of fajitas the other day and I am now a total convert. They're super easy to make and taste wonderful. Just buy the spices and they'll last for decades. My problem is I eat way too much of it all in one go but if you can resist I reckon this will do you three meals..ish. This is seriously funky and unbelievably easy. I made this because I spent pretty much the whole day yesterday trying to make a beef brisket thing for supper but it was a disaster! So to make myself feel better, I made this. And have eaten most of it too unfortunately. Anyhow, I reckon this would be a fab pud for date night as you can do it in advance and it looks amazing so you'll feel like a total pro. Give it a shot! Enjoy! OMG. This is amazing. It'll rock your world. It's obviously not as healthy as a fruit-only ice cream but by changing the base to banana you're making it much better. And it tastes FAB. So easy that you have no excuse not to do it. So this is a lovely healthy little meal. Tilda very kindly sent me some rice to try and I must say I have rather enjoyed it. This stuff has Quinoa in it. Quinoa is super healthy but it still tastes great. I think it's fair to say we all kind of go a bit mad over Christmas in terms of how much food we eat but something like this is great because it really fills you up, it's very easy and yet it's not bad for you at all. The cashew nuts a great because they kind of give a cheeky bit of texture to it all. Well worth it. I used Tesco Value so they cost hardly anything. Go grab some. Give it a go! Check out the video too. This is a lovely little snack (or lunch) and very healthy. Tastes lovely too. The feta is a great little addition. Give it a go. Basically you're looking to get a nice balance between spinach and egg. Too much of either is nasty. If you want to make a big one, could add in two eggs I reckon. Haven't tried it though... Let's face it: smoothies are not as great as we think they are. Sure, they taste good but really the reason why we love them so much is because they're full of sugar. So this is a 'reduced' sugar recipe; obviously it's not as sweet but it does still get lots of fruit in you without the sugar. Give it a go. Watch the video. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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