Elena had the idea to do some cheeky stripes for this one when we had supper with Will and Vicki the other week. As we were just cooking, we didn't write down how to do it, but this time I have! And I've added fudge, because, let's face it, fudge makes everything that little bit better. This is pretty similar to the Chocolate Heaven Pudding. Ran out of eggs so made this egg-free/no egg/eggless cake. Pretty good despite lacking key eggy ingredient! Would still recommend a proper cake if you do have eggs though. Worth putting the topping on and also make sure you cover it with foil to stop it burning. This is a recipe from a BBC Good Food community member. They also put in vanilla extract but I didn't have any. Now you know. So I bought some Pimms because Kit suggested a Pimms Cheesecake - I'm working on a recipe for that as the first one I did wasn't quite right. I also made this - it's quite refreshing. You might want to add sugar to it. Feeling a tad gentle this morning. Wanted food that wasn't toast. This did the trick. Ingredients
Method Cook the pasta in boiling water with a splash of olive oil and pinch of salt. Fry the bacon. Chop it up into pieces when it's cooked. Drain the pasta. Pop the bacon in with the pasta. Add two teaspoons of chilli pesto and the chopped tomato. Season. Stir and heat through. Eat. Done. Huge shoutout to Amelia for coming over the other day and showing me how to make one of her salads. They're delish and we had a good chat and put the world to rights. She has a really lovely instagram page so go follow/like/share etc. I had a go today with Elena and Rob and it was good fun. These salads are pretty big so arguably enough to share if you fancy it, or if you're hungry they'll do you fine. And because everything comes in multi-packs from supermarkets, it's not too expensive to do. Ingredients
Bonus stuff:
Method Get the oven at 180. Grab your goats' cheese. Amelia said to put a small cross in the centre with a knife as apparently this stops it melting everywhere in the oven. We are not sure why this works but it does. So do it. Pop on baking dish in oven for 20 mins or so (until it's a beautiful golden brown). Wash the lettuce and chop it into strips. Bung in bowl. Add in the spinach, watercress and rocket. Arrange semi-artistically. Chop up the red pepper and carrot. Bung in. Chop up the celery. Bung in. Chop up the avocado. Bung in. Chop up the tomato, arrange around the side. Just because it looks cool. (See Amelia's Instagram and follow her for very funky looking salads). By this time, the cheese should be nearly done. Take out and carefully spatular on to the salad. Season with pepper and maybe add a dash of balsamic/olive oil if you want. When Amelia came over we also put chopped beetroot in but sadly I forgot today. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
Why use this?Think of this as an online, easy to follow, recipe book. |