This is seriously tasty, looks amazing and is actually very easy to do. Got the recipe off BBC Good Food - it's a Gordon Ramsay one. Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve. This is so easy and it ACTUALLY TASTES AMAZING. You have got to try it. No waiting for it to rise. Just perfect pizza. Found it lurking on the internet and had to try it. These were super good. Really recommend. BIG shoutout to Mike M for sending this recipe in for meatballs (I have done them but they're not up yet, keep your eyes peeled!). I have adapted it for burgers and it's seriously good. Must try. I have seen these floating around all over the internet for a while now so I thought I would try it to see what all the fuss was about. Have to say they are very good. They're kind of dense and because it's just banana and egg it's pretty healthy. I think these might become my new breakfast for when I haven't got any milk for cereal. Or maybe when I feel like a pick-me-up in the summative revision season... Do give it a go. Ingredients
Method Chop your banana into a bowl and then mash it with a fork. Make sure you mash it well otherwise the pancake won't work so well. Bung in an egg and give it a good beat with your fork. (Not going to lie, it doesn't look that attractive at this stage). Fry in butter, flipping when brown. Keep the pancakes quite small. This recipe makes two. I topped both with a little honey and raspberries. Eat. Elena sent me a recipe which looked a bit like an easter bunny but they'd made special moulds for the ears. That was going to take too much time so I made it with a white chocolate easter egg as they're on sale everywhere right now. Also this is a triple decker cake - the two outer cakes are milk chocolate flavoured and the middle one is white chocolate. I was using baking tins which are 7 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep. If you are using bigger tins then you'll definitely need to up the quantities in the cakes. This should be fine though because the flour, butter and sugar quantities are all the same so as long as you do the same to everything then it should be fine. If you prefer something more simple for Easter then check this Chocolate Easter Cake out. So I tried to make this 3 times this week. That's a lot of chocolate and cream. The problem I was having was that if you do the white chocolate in the same way as the other chocolates then it doesn't hold its shape. As in, it stays runny. That's not cool. Doing it this way, we make a fab, crisp white chocolate layer just on top of the biscuit base. It works perfectly. Suggest eating with a fork to get through it though. I had some left over chicken after the kievs so I thought I'd adapt a great recipe for rabbit from the Gü ch0colate book I've got (thanks again glorious housemates). That recipe is amazing - Elena and I have done it before but the problem was that it can be a tad difficult to get hold of rabbit (I'll blog it at some point). So I was wondering whether it would be possible to use chicken instead. It works great. Especially if you roast some veg to go with it. This recipe did me 4 meals. I had a really lovely evening last night with Will and Vicki; they made the biggest melting chocolate ball I have ever seen. Over a kilo of chocolate. Unreal. Anyway, this recipe was a bit experimental but very good. Had some fudge around so thought I'd make some chocolate cookies but with a wonderful fudgy core. GORGEOUS. Do it. For when you just need something to munch on. Fast. It's the closest thing to a proper brownie I've come across (and is basically this recipe but for one). Give it a go! All you need is a microwave. So I made this a while ago with Elena but didn't blog it because I didn't really know what I was doing. I've now had a play around with the recipe and I think it's good. Chicken Kiev is one of those things I think people often buy from the shop ready made but it works out cheaper to just make it yourself if you buy a big pack of chicken and then do other stuff with it later in the week. Anyhow, hope you enjoy! Don't forget to like the facebook page! There is a bakery in Prague making these (traditionally called Trdelnik) and their cones went kind of viral this week so I though it'd be awesome to try and make one - prague is a bit of a way away. Actually very easy to make. I used a beer bottle to wrap it around. Watch the video. Please like my facebook page and subscribe to my channel for more! Enjoy. I kind of adapted a recipe from the Chocolate Chocolate and More website. This recipe makes about 3. I think the first time I ever had Redbush or "roobios" tea was in Berlin for Fred's 18th. I loved it then and I love it now. Elena very kindly got me this after I had some at her house (I think Venus originally got it...). It's amazing stuff. Can get it from Tesco I believe. You could use any tea. I'm kind of obsessed with tea. Glorious. It smells AMAZING. Went down well in the house I think. Enjoy. I got chatting to some chaps last year who do something amazing with bananas apparently; sadly I never got to try any of their stuff so this is a barking baking take on the idea of using up an old banana. It's really good. Try it. It's hot then it's cold. It's glorious and gold. #RudeBanana. I don't actually like courgette that much. But I enjoyed this. I feel like if you are vegetarian or just quite au fait with courgettes in general you'll like this. Don't use too big a courgette otherwise you'll overdose on it. And that's not good. The one in the video is probably the biggest you want it to be. Otherwise it's just too much courgette. Fact. First time with a spiraliser. Think it's pretty funky. So healthy. |
Who is The Barking Baker?My name is Hugo Brown and I've just graduated from Durham University having studied Law. Get behind the scenes with Barking Baking by following us on Snapchat. Just open the app and scan the image below. Username: "BarkingBaking".
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March 2018
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